The 50th Street Youth Program story is an evolutionary one. It started in 1983 when a nine-year-old child ( Marcellas ) wanted to join the Cub Scout program. He asked his dad ( Orlando ) to take him to join. Marcellas joined and so did his dad, Orlando.
Orlando Epting became the Scoutmaster of Boy Scouts of America Troop 647 and a lady by the name of Lydia Perkins became the Cubmaster for Boy Scouts of America Pack 647. Mind you, Orlando joined the Boy Scouts but his son was in the Cub Scouts. That's how much knowledge Orlando knew about scouting.
Through training, perseverance, teaming up with other units and with a strong since that the scouting program was helping their sons and our community the pack and troop thrived.
In 1985, Pack and Troop 647 moved from its original location at a Church on Vermont and 48th Street to where they are today, at Greater New Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church. Ms. Annie Sutton and Ms. Ardean Chism were instrumental for paving the way for Pack and Troop 647's new home.
In 1986, Pack and Troop 647 were seen by Mr. Clayton Allen of the KIWANIS Club of West Los Angeles - 200, he was impressed with what he saw and introduced us to his organization. That was the beginning of a very long and special relationship that continues today. We have some very hot memories of cooking Bar-B-Que near Crenshaw and Slauson and then on Vernon and Vermont. When the Bar-B-Que's ended, and it became a breakfast our memories continued with eggs any style.
In 1988, we realized that we were so busy that some of our family member's siblings were being left out. A search started to locate an active Girl Scout Troop.
In 1989, we found a Girl Scout Troop Leader by the name of Crystal Jones. She too was having a similar problem. She was a Girl Scout Leader very busy with her girls but not having any activities for her son.
So we combined the three groups. No we weren't trying to make Girl Scouts into Boy Scouts or Boy Scouts into Girl Scouts. We just wanted to combine and utilize the strength of all three groups.
Orlando's home became the Scout's clubhouse. On many Saturdays you could find the Girl Scouts learning and doing Girl Scout activities on the side of the house, the Cub Scouts learning and doing Cub Scout activities on the front lawn and the Boy Scouts in the back yard learning and doing Boy Scout Activities.
Since we were no longer just Boy Scouts of America Pack and Troop 647, we decided to file paperwork to appropriately receive funds for all three groups.
We officially filed and re-filed and re-filed and re-filed as 50th Street Girl and Boy Scout Youth Program. It was no easy task. When all the "I"s and "T"s were dotted and crossed, we became a legal 501c3 publicly funded non-profit entity in 1990.
In the late 80's Charles L. Moore joined the organization and became our Scoutmaster and Orlando Epting became the Cubmaster. Under Charles' leadership we had our first Eagle Scout in 1990, Jon F. Holderness. Our second Eagle Scout in 2000, Tyrone D. Washington.
Many good leaders have come through this organization and have made a very positive impact. All of our current 50th Street Board members were once great leaders of one of our Troops.
And when they were leading, hundreds of kids benefited from this program both girls and boys. Orlando received various employee and scouting volunteer awards including being nominated as one of the KNX 1070 radio volunteers of the week and he was featured in two local Newspapers (LA Wave, LA Sentinel).
In the mid to late 90's, the scouting troops became as diverse as the community that it operated in. Many meetings were held in both Spanish and English. With the appointment of Gloria Ramirez, the 50th Street Youth Program reflected and embraced its diversity.
In January of 2000, with difficulties in finding committed and dedicated youth and adults, Pack and Troop 647 did not re-charter after seventeen years of scouting.
With the closing of one door another door was opened.
Without its founding scouting units, 50th Street Girl and Boy Scout Youth Program could mentor, advice, coordinate, and support other South Central Los Angeles Girl and Boy Scout Troops.
In 2002, 50th Street Youth Program was introduced to Pack and Troop 233. We committed our resources to the success of this Pack and Troop. Their continued survival would make a positive difference in some of the lives that they impact. And that impact made a difference in our community.
In 2006, we made ourselves available to recruit and to start new units.
In 2007, we attended all the monthly Boy Scout District meetings. Identified Operation Nice Day as a community activity that is a potential source to start new units. Identified four units as units of interest to mentor.
In 2008, coordinated a community scout recruitment, build a stronger relationship with four units of interest and started our website. Received accommodation from Councilwoman Jan Perry, Council Member Bernard Parks and Supervisor Yvonne B. Burks for 25 years of volunteer service to the youth of our community.
In 2009, continued community scout recruitment activities and the relationship with 1 B.S. Pack, 2 B.S. Troops and 1 G.S. Troop. We started a relationship with another G.S. Troop and a Masonic Lodge. Our website will soon have a photo gallery section.
In 2010, started new scout recruitment activities by attending community festivals and health fairs, coordinated two community flag ceremonies, and added mentorship to 4 additional Girl Scout Troops. Continue relationship with previous scout units and increased significantly our website photo gallery section.
In 2011, we promoted scouting at six community festivals/health fairs, attended six specific scouting related events and started a scholarship fund for our Eagle Scouts and Gold Award recipients. And sadly, after twenty-five years of there support, KIWANIS Club of West Los Angeles - 200 notified us that they became inactive.
In 2012, we promoted scouting at three community festivals/health fairs (with 2 additional scheduled for this year), attended three specific scouting recruiting related meetings and awarded our first college Eagle Scout scholarship. We video taped last years banquet and was successfully able to load it onto our website.
In 2013, we promoted scouting at three community festivals/health fairs, attended a Girl Scout Sunday and facilitated Normandie Avenue School reaching out to Boy Scouts of America. Board Member Ms. Lois George passed away.
In 2014, the IRS approved our Scholarship process and we nominated two additional board members, Mr. Freddie Moore and Ms. Andrea Jones. Our 31st Annual Banquet was attended by a new scout troop from Normandie Avenue School.
In 2015, the two new members added to the board last year resigned due to their availability. Promoted scouts at two locations sponsored by Macedonia Baptist Church and Morris Memorial Baptist Full Gospel Church. Attended the Normandie Avenue Scout car wash. Attended the homegoing service of one of our former Assistance Leaders Ms. Joy Haskin.
In 2016, we started to reconnect to organizations where we could do more community out reaching for promoting scouting in the coming years. One of our scout scholarship recipients that we have been funding over the years graduated from Morris College in Sumter South Carolina.
In 2017, we were saddened to hear about the passing of one of our original and sustaining supports since our very beginning Mother Ardean Chism.
In 2018, we were sadden to hear about the passing of one of our original supporting scout leaders, she was our telephone emergency coordinator when we were on outings and a driver to help drop off and pickup our scouts from camping trips for many years. Ms. Hellen Ruth Pugh
In 2019, we were saddened by the passing of one of our original Board Members and former Scout Leader, Ms. Marian Deola Veal. We were notified that our Boy Scout unit 636 did not re-charter, we supported them for over 10 years. We became one of the listed organizations for free tickets when available for the Los Angeles Sparks games.
In 2020, the world experienced the covid-19 pandemic. We decided as an organization to hold our 37th Annual Appreciation Banquet VIRTUALLY. We are closely following a local Boy Scout unit that we can potentially support. We are pleased to introduce our newest 50th Street Board Member, a very long-time scout leader Ms. Andrea Jones.
In 2021, for the second year in a row due to covid-19 we held our 38th Annual Appreciation Celebration and Fundraiser virtually. We are pleased to have made an initial connection with a local Boy Scout unit that we were interested in from last year. One of their Eagle Scouts is being considered for a college Scholarship.
In 2022, our 39th Annual Appreciation Celebration and Fundraiser is being held virtually due to Covid-19 and now other communicable diseases. 2021 Boy Scout unit of interest, troop 1323 is now a unit that we are supporting, their Eagle Scout was a recipient of one of 50th Street Youth Program's College Scholarships. There are two new Girl Scout units of interest this year, troops 7805 and 8255. We look forward to hopefully supporting them in the future. We were saddened by the loss of one of our former Assistant Girl Scout Leaders Ms. Anna Osling. It is with excitement that we introduce 50th Street Youth Programs, newest Board Member, Mrs. Tamryn Wilkins.
In 2023, we are celebrating 40 years of serving our inner city community of Girl and Boy Scouts.
A lot has happened over the 40 years of service to our community, but a lot more is needed.
Thank you for being a part of 50th Street Youth Program evolution.